Connector:Cartridge Slot (CPC Plus only)

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The CPC+/GX4000 has a female 2x18 pin cart-edge connector for cartridges.

In the schematics, the pins are numbered A1..A18 and B1..B18. However, the text layer on the cartridge PCBs typically uses a different numbering: 1..36 (with even numbers on the solder side of the cartridge) (and with numbers ordered in opposite direction):

component side    solder side                Cartridge Slot, female 2x18pin
1  B18 VCC        2  A18 VCC                    ________________________
3  B17 CLK4       4  A17 CA18/LK2      (B18) 1 |                        | 35 (B1)
5  B16 CA16       6  A16 CA17/LK4              |_  ==================  _|
7  B15 CA15/LK6   8  A15 CA14          (A18) 2   |____________________|   36 (A1)
9  B14 A12        10 A14 A13
11 B13 A7         12 A13 A8
13 B12 A6         14 A12 A9
15 B11 A5         16 A11 A11
17 B10 A4         18 A10 A3
19 B9  A10        20 A9  A2
21 B8  /CE        22 A8  A1
23 B7  D7         24 A7  A0
25 B6  D6         26 A6  D0
27 B5  D5         28 A5  D1
29 B4  D4         30 A4  D2
31 B3  D3         32 A3  SIN
33 B2  CCLR       34 A2  GND
35 B1  GND        36 A1  GND
  • The SIN,CCLR,CLK4 pins are special signals for the ACID chip. Cartridges won't work without ACID.
  • Note: Arnold V specs say that "ROM CARTRIDGE: 2 pcs 2 x 9 way 2.5mm pitch sockets." This seems to be nonsense (or might refer to an internal connector on the mainboard). The external cartridge connector has 2x18 pins - not 2x2x9 pins.