

1 byte added, 17:51, 18 May 2017
/* Clock sequence : under time constraints (quality) */
==== Clock sequence : under time constraints (quality) ====
In fact, it's better to create our tour clock sequencer wiring each CLK and not(CLK) directly from DCM, in this case you enter in time constraints norm, and then rules/checks are done on every _edge instruction. Choosing only one sort of _edge (rising or falling) seems better also. Using that way you just have more "bad compiling error" shown, helping you creating a better code (more stable/quality).
Clock sequence using a counter plugged with a clock was in fact a bad practice (but running fine in my first versions of FPGAmstrad as I'm a good blind developer), because output are not under clock constraint : just think about that a "not" component added just after a clock wire is a Time Constraints bad practice... destroying "time constraint" solver (the one telling you when your clock domains are bad (and why), "time constraint" is last step of FPGA compiling process, it is a important step about quality, it shall be respected (generaly in a very last development effort, I shall say in a deploy effort))