Holiday Expenses 87 900 PRINT:PRINT"The difference between B UYING & SELLING price for currency notes or travellers cheques represents the b ank's profit on the transaction.... A sm all commission charge is also often add ed." 910 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE.":PEN 1 920 IF INKEY$=""THEN 920 ELSE CLS 930 PRINT" HOLIDAY EXPENSES" 940 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"Because of the usu ally wide SPREAD " 950 PRINT"between BUYING and SELLING rat es quoted for tourists, it is almost alw ays safer to avoid multiple exchange transactions." 960 PRINT:PRINT"Take about ";pu$;"5-";pu $;"10 of small denomination ";"foreign f otes for each country you will visit for use on arrival. If you ar e departing from a big airport these are usually available from a bank in the ar rivals hall. 970 PRINT"Also,several currencies are ch eaper to buy before you leave home and others arecheaper to buy when you arrive at your destination." 980 PRINT:PRINT"The following tourist ra tes are includedonly as a very rough gui de. Actual market rates will vary, often quite wildly,from day t o day." 990 PEN I 1000 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT" PRESS AN Y KEY TO START":PEN I 1010 IF INKEY$="" THEN 1010 ELSE CLS 1020 REM INITIALISE CURRENCIES & HOLIDAY COST ITEMS 1030 FOR X=1 TO 4:READ N$(X):NEXT 1040 FOR X=1 TO 4:READ R(X):NEXT 1050 FOR X=1 TO 12:READ C$(X):NEXT 1060 REM ******* MENU ******** 1070 CLS:LOCATE 13,1:PRINT"HOLIDAY EXPEN SES":LOCATE 13,2:PRINT STRING$(16,208)