Stellar Run On a routine run into hyperspace, you suddenly come upon a new universe! Instantly, your cruiser is confronted with a series of mazes, obstacles and tunnels as you struggle to chart new horizons. As an experienced commander, you are well aware that any contact with the numerous meteors, rock walls or barriers will lead to your instant destruction. You will need to think fast and use your missiles to blast a hole through obstacles. So stand by, finger on the keyboard. . . Good luck! 10 REM STELLAR RUN 20 REM @ H.WALWYN 30 MODE 1:BORDER 0:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:PEN #1,1:CLS #1 40 GOSUB 1410 50 GOSUB 1280 60 GOSUB 1130 70 GOTO 940 80 REM GRAPHICS CHR$() TEST 90 LOCATE X+1,Y+2:CALL 360:KK=PEEK(367) 100 I=KK 110 RETURN 120 REM MAIN PROGRAM LOOP 130 E=E+EE*RND 140 ON D GOTO 150,180,210,250,300,350,38 0,410,460 150 REM D=1 160 D$=LEFTS(A$,SIN(E)*11+13)+LEFT$(B$,2 0)+A$:IF E>15 THEN SOUND 1,180—E/3,4:D=2 170 GOTO 500 180 REM D=2 190 D$=LEFTS(A$,SIN(E)*11+13)+LEFT$(B$0 6)+A$:IF E>30 THEN SOUND 1,180—E/3,4:D=3 200 GOTO 500 210 REM D=3 220 D$=LEFT$(A$,SIN(E)+COS(E*0.9)*4.5+12 )+LEFTS(B$06)+A$:IF RND<0.08 THEN D$=A$ 230 IF E>45 THEN SOUND 1,120—E/5,4:D=4