Translation of russian "Schematic description" for Aleste 520EX (the translated text doesn't make too much sense) (but may be helpful to get an idea what is in it) Scheme PCs ALESTE 520EX includes the following sites: D1-D8 - RAM (even bytes). D9-D16 - RAM (odd bytes). D17 - Programmable parallel interface. D18 - Music processor. D19 - Nonvolatile memory SETUPa and watch real time. D20-D24 - Address multiplexers. D25 - Video Display. D26, D28, D85.3, D87-D89 - Mapper (switchboard pages of RAM). D29.1, D29.2 - Signal-IORD,-IOWR. D30 - Central processor. D31 - ROM 64K (BASIC, AMSTRAD BIOS, AMSTRAD DISC BIOS, ALESTE SETUP, boot MSX DOS). D32 - Register regimes graphics mode mapper, management quenching images, sampling clock and timer. D33 - Programmable timer. D34 - Programmable serial interface. D35.1, D35.2, D44.3, D44.4 - Options are the formation of signals 8ST, 4ST, MVI. D35.3, D35.4 - Formation of a page number and ROM. D36.1, D36.2 - Clock Generator for the regime AMSTRAD and schemes drive controller. D36.4, D36.5 - Clock Generator for regime ALESTE. D37 - Frequency divider. D38 - Mode switch graphics high / low permission. D39 - Signal RAS, CAS, CLK. D40, D75.1, D41.1, D41.2, D42.4, D44.1 - Signal WE0, WE1, DIS,-DIS. D41.3 - Inverter signal FUTURE. D41.4 - Shaper sample video controller. D42.1, D42.2 - Signal RESET,-RESET. D42.3 - Shaper sampling programmable timer. D42.5, D85.2, D36.3, D36.6, D43.1, D43, 2 - Scheme of formation of signals S0,-WAIT,VBUF,CBUF,-VCLK,VCLK. D42.6 - Shaper signal -STROBE on printer. D43.4 - Shaper blanking signal BLANK. D44.2 - Shaper entries in the register mode ALESTE. D45, D46 - Buffer registers even and odd bytes video, respectively. D47, D48 - Buffer registers even and odd bytes data for the CPU, respectively. D49, D77.2 - Scheme of formation of signals PAGE,-PAGE, HIGHT, SYNC. D50, D51 - Shift Registers video. D52, D53 - Kommmutatory video modes. D54 - Shaper entries in the video modes color curb, mapper, the numbers of colors, RAM pereprogromirovaniya colors. D55 - Register of video modes, addresses the connection Pages ROM status LEDs RUS / LAT, CAPS. D56 - Register numbers color management record in Border color register / RAM pereprogromirovaniya colors. D57, D29.4 - Register configuration pages ROMs. D58 - Register colored curb. D59 - Output register colors. D60, D61 - RAM pereprogromirovanie colors. D62 - Amplifier Tires Data the output of the encoder color mode AMSTRAD, switch pages Rom. D63, D64, D77.1 - Scheme of formation of signals 1-3CY, MK0-3 for transcoder keyboard, addresses on the ROM D65. D65 - Tables for the formation of signals SYNC *, HY *, SINT *, data about matrix Keyboard for transcoder. D66, D29.3, D43.3, D85.4 - Scheme of signal-INT. D67 - Signal BUFER0, BUFER1,-ROMEN, -RAMEN. D68, D69, D71.1, D73.1 - Digital PLL, Shaper signals WRC, RDD, the initial signal DW. D70 - Controller drive. D71.2 - Trigger signal MOTOR-DSKRDY. D72 - Divider frequency for digital PLL, drive controller, a programmable timer, serial interface, final formation signal DW (Frequency to voltage converter). D73.4 - D73.6 - Inverters output signals with drive. D74 - Address decoder, Shaper sample drive controller, the entries in the register Enhanced mode, entries in the trigger signal MOTOR-DSKRDY. D75.3, D76.3, D73.2, D73.3 - Scheme of formation of signal-DRIVE0,-DRIVE1. D75.2 - Shaper signal-STEP. D76.1, D76.2, D76.4 - D76.6 - Inverting Amplifiers signals on drive. D78.3 - Shaper signal sampling joystick COMMON. D78.4 - Shaper signal recording in the RAM matrix Keyboard-3CY. D79 - The Register, eliminates "needles" from the output of ROM and Storage Rooms retrieved column of keyboard. D80, D75.4 - The decoder rows of the keyboard. D81 - Multiplexer retrieved column of keyboard. D82, D83 - RAM keystroke decoder to store Information about state matrix keyboard. D84, D78.1, D78.2 - Shift register-to-drive data from the matrix keyboard and shaper records in it. D85.1 - Shaper signal TRK0. D86 - Signal DTR *, TXD *. VT1 - Shaper sample D19. VT2 - Shaper signal B / W monitor. VT3 - Inverter-limiter data signal from input serial Interface (With the release of "mouse", etc.). VT4 - Voltage +12 V,-12V. VT5 - Inverter limiter signal DSR *. CAUTION In this description of the symbol "-" before the name of the signal means that the signal is inverted. Description of individual nodes scheme. On elements D36.1 and D36.2 assembled clock generator on frequency 16 MHz used in mode AMSTRAD and for Clocking scheme drive controller. The components of D36.4 and D36.5 collected generator to the frequency 13.333 MHz, used in Advanced mode ALESTE. circuit D37 - this is the usual divisor frequency. Circuit D38 switches on a signal HIGHT modes: 0 - AMSTRAD / 1 - ALESTE. This change of frequency, reaching to Shaper signals CLK, RAS, CAS - D39; subgroup - D37; scheme formation signals VBUF - record video data from RAM to buffer registers D45, D46; CBUF - write data to the CPU from RAM in buffer Registers D47, D48; alarm-WAIT; changing the frequency signal VCLK -- issuance for shift registers D50, D51 even bytes and video-VCLK - odd bytes of video data, the signal V1113, going on address multiplexer D24. Signal CBUF simultaneously is the clock frequency for the video controller. In chain-WAIT signal is a resistor to an external board, connected to system connector could unhindered lock his on GND. Alerts -WAIT and CBUF identical but closure signal -WAIT GND to alter the signal CBUF, if take signal -WAIT with Togo same output. Node on the elements of D40, D75.1, D41.1, D41.2, D42.4, D44.1 forms signals recording RAM: If A0 = 0 - WE0 (even bytes), A0 = 1 - WE1 (odd bytes), and also signals And DIS-DIS. When DIS = 0 to the address inputs of RAM connected address from CPU and mapper, and when DIS = 1 from video controller. Moreover, if the processor does not access the RAM, then signal DIS will never be equal to 0. This allows you to connect to sistemnomy connector controller direct memory access (PDP). In Otherwise case from the moment of transition the processor into a state "Capture" to issue addresses the DMA controller on the address bus, on inputs Address multiplexers (all still connected to the bus address CPU) would be uncertain levels, causing would failures Information in RAM. In this scheme it is not. All signals except data served to RAM through the resistors, that with a capacity of inputs form a filter that increases noise immunity RAM. D77.2 and D49 form signals PAGE, -PAGE, HIGHT, SYNC. When PAGE = 0 to output register connected Border color register, and when PAGE = 1 - output RAM reprogramming colors. Synchronization signal SYNC supplied the monitor through the buffer register D49. Keyboard decoder works as follows: in time String extinguishing pulse output register D79 there is room available interviewee column matrix, and KW3 = 1; then the output ROM D65 appears the line number and output decoder D80, D75.4 0 appears in the corresponding discharge; Information Reports respondent button written in register D84. After poll second button Information about first shifted, and in its place gets information about the second. Upon poll eighth Buttons KW3 becomes equal to 0, the addresses of RAM matrix Keyboard D82, D83 exposed Number column keyboard required standard program AMSTRADa and after record her state in the register D84, formed information eight Buttons signal -3CY written in RAM matrix keyboard. For 128 lines filled all the cells of RAM, and if now some kind program will expose to the second address includes a number column Standard matrix AMSTRADa, to the second data will Information as if from the standard lines of the matrix. For one frame Keyboard questioned one times. Thus was possible connect any matrix keyboard size no more than 8 x 11 keys without changing the scheme, and changing the whole some tens of bytes in the ROM D65. 6 second output memory matrix Keyboard D82, D83 are connected via resistors, in order to at pressed simultaneously even 4 buttons on the controller (for example: up, right FIRE1, FIRE2) output element D78.3 COMMON (Sample joystick) was able to form a logical zero. Node on elements D66, D29.3, D43.3, D85.4 forms interruption -INT. Interruption is formed through a 52-line screen starting 18 strings. So way for frame formed 6 interrupts. But this is true in the case, if confirmation interrupt arrives not later than 26 lines after-INT. If same confirmation comes later, then all of the following shift to 26 lines. On diagram shows: 2 and 3-INT generated after 52 line after the previous one, and 4-INT delayed by 26 rows. That eat scheme follows that between the end of the signal-INT and the beginning next was no less than 26 lines. Elements D85.4 and D43.3 are for prisinhronizatsii first interruption to top frame and delay formation next signal-INT if the parish confirmation interruption later than 26 lines after the current signal -INT. We do not know why this was done in firm computer but so far we have not done the system CP/M normally not work. For some reason, it is not working CP/M we have not been reviewed. On registers D32, D55, D56 gave a signal-RESET in order to the time after discharge included the standard configuration AMSTRAD. ROM D65 forms also signal HY *. This was because what Products video controller D25 -- M6845 different manufacturers, available y us, formed signal HY varying duration - some have it coincided with the duration of HY in computer firm AMSTRAD CPC 6128, while in others it was different. Therefore if some program prisinhronizirovalas to end pulse HY, interviewing discharge PB0 concurrent Interface D17, then her work would have been failures. "Needles" to signal HY * removed capacitor. ROM D67 forms signals reading Data for the CPU from Buffer Registers RAM D47, D48 - BUFER0 (even bytes), BUFER1 (odd); -ROMEN -- showing what now to the data bus connected ROM D31; -RAMEN - Showing that now the bus data can be connected in one of the buffer registers D47, D48. When filing on login RAMDIS logical unit signals BUFER0, BUFER1 cease to be formed, but the signal-RAMEN continues. It allows connect to sistemnomy connector on the external RAM. Signal ROMDIS = 1 off internal Rom. Alerts PROM0, PROM1 connect the logical page zero ROM from addresses 0000H and C000H respectively. Elements D35.3, D35.4 prohibit connection with address 0000H nonzero pages ROMs. ROM D62 performs several functions: buferiruet bus Data on output; encodes color mode AMSTRAD; recode Rooms pages Rom. In computer firm AMSTRAD capacity ROM was 48K, (32 +16) with their Rooms were not running. Our computer set one ROM capacity 64K. Thus arose need change scheme select pages ROMs. To this end Inputs Data register D57 is not directly connected to the bus data and to conclusions ROM D62, which recode Rooms standard pages ROM computer AMSTRAD in page numbers our Rom. When writing the page number 3 - connect page 3 our ROM Rooms 7 - Page 2 of our ROM, the rest cases will be connected page 1 of our ROM. Thus with address 0000H can be connected only page 0 of our ROM (in It is AMSTRAD BIOS), and with addresses C000H - only Pages 1,2,3. When startup computer after discharge from the address 0000H connected AMSTRAD BIOS, which begins consistently connected with the address C000H pages numbered 0 to 15. When record numbers 0 connects page 1 (it is BASIC) and management transferred there. After Initialization BASICa going back to the AMSTRAD BIOS, which connects Page 1. BASIC again receives management, discovers that has already been initialized and returns control AMSTRAD BIOS. That connects page 2 and the process repeats. In computer firm AMSTRAD CPC 6128 is repeated with all pages except 7 - be there AMSTRAD DISK BIOS, in our page 3 be loader MSX DOS and program ALESTE SETUP. As only Home 3 gets control, there analysis held buttons and the appropriate action. Built Larry BASIC processes Rooms natural colors from 0 to 26. Indeed, 3-level voltage on each beam (this was in a branded computer AMSTRAD) give 27 colors, but for encoding numbers from 0 to 26 to 5 bits, and 5 bit give 32 combinations therefore some combination duplicated. A 3-level voltage on each beam requires 2 bits - Only 6-bit 3-ray. ROM D62 and encodes a 5-bit number physical color in the 6-bit code for the resistor DAC output register D59. Since the resistors for every two outputs individual rays different (in the computer AMSTRAD they are the same) then eat 4 level dressed on each beam what allowed enlarge total number of physical color mode ALESTE to 64. In This mode signal MAPMOD = 1 and the ROM D62 simply skips junior 6 bit Tires Data to simplify the work with 64 colors (although It should be noted that in fact it is not so - and if and in other modes at work with flowers ROM D62 swaps bits 5.4 to 1.0 bits, respectively, but if you use description ports and want to set the mode ALESTE some brightness beam B -- bits 1 and 0 then this is what happens despite on then what in output Register for D59 color beam B responsible bits 5 and 4. Ie can say that for programs consider what bits R, G, B are is written in description ports ROM D62 is really in the mode ALESTE simply misses 6-bit data bus, and exposes the color mode AMSTRAD required standard programs. This was done after as found that the standard program is required to bits R, G, B were located in a byte from the older to the younger, and we have to scheme was done contrary -- R and B were reversed. Turned easier Change firmware ROM than change Pinout connector, which coincided sostandartnoy pinout of the monitor. ). General in computer AMSTRAD CPC very complex transformation 5-bit Rooms color in 6-bit code for the DAC happened within custom BIS and collect similar scheme to separate chips it was not good, so we decided to use ROM -- is such the main purpose of ROM D62, which had also performs other functions. In cell D87 - D89, D26, D85.3, D28 assembled mapper -- control device configuration pages of RAM. Signal MAPMOD, coming on chip D26, serves to lock in mapper mode AMSTRAD. In This mode there standard distribution memory that not change. ROM D28 and provides these distribution. While ALESTE distribution Memory programmable ie all address space CPU 64K divided on 4 Pages and in each these logical pages, you can connect any of 32 physical. For this signal MAPMOD = 1 comes ROM at D28 and D26. When recording physical Rooms Pages signal -IORQ = 0 and then in what logical options it will be connected depends on the addresses A8 A9. When Treatment memory signal-IORQ = 1 and the address inputs RAM D87, D88 pass address A14, A15. In Depending from of A14, A15 is selected address memory cells D87, D88 in which recorded Number of physical memory pages. Physical pages numbers 0 - 3 are pages of memory and a connecting any of these pages in address ROM space D62 sets signal VRAMACC in 1. If at This signal HIGHTY = 1, then at Treatment CPU to VRAM will occur transcoding addresses. Availability two signals HIGHTX and HIGHTY allows low-resolution mode (HIGHTX = 0) add in VRAM picture for High regime permission (with This HIGHTY must be = 1) and then include mode High permission (HIGHTX = 1). That is the signal HIGHTY = 1 means what address in VRAM for CPU will recoded. When recoding for the CPU addresses A11 and A14 in the video memory are interchanged. Distribution of video memory in different modes described in another section of the documentation. D89 is for reading state mapper, at This A8 A9 determine state a of logical pages will be read. So way you can always find out what physical page is connected in each of four logical. Mapper operates within 512K. Signal MAPBLK = 1 blocks mapper, which allows external cards dostupatsya to the entire memory. Tires Data D18, D19, D33 connected to channel A concurrent interface. It unloads the data bus and saves address in address space although work with D19 and D33 some complicated. Signal CSCT = 1 selects the clock, and CS53 = 1 chooses timer. Input frequency Timer and clock frequency serial Interface 4MHz. Chat 0 timer - sets speed Reception data channel 1 timer - speed data. Chat 2 performs a very specific function. Its counting input is a signal HX, and the input of the authorization bill signals CURSOR. Signal with output channel 2 passes through an inverter D41.3 falls on Inputs D52. It allows in monochrome and four-color modes to increase the number of colors on the screen in 2 times. In 16-color modes channel 2 no effect. In monochrome mode except logical Flowers 0 and 1 appear logical color 2 and 3; in the four-than 0, 1, 2, 3 -- appear logical color 4 5, 6, 7. Moreover, the change of colors is starting any on-screen line in any continuous number lines. Achieved it following way : in videokontollere programmable start and end of the cursor, position cursor - that is line which will change colors, the counter channel 2 timer (programmed in Mode 1) is written number of lines within which the logical colors 0 and 1 (0, 1, 2, 3) will be replaced by logical colors 2 and 3 (4, 5, 6, 7). So as any of the 16 logical colors can be assigned to any of the 64 private that, even in monochrome screen can be 4 different colors. Of course, you can reprogram the color and interrupts but it would depend on the entire processor, and this scheme easily allows get screen required picture is independent from processor. To scheme no influence, it is necessary that the signal-FUTURE was equal to 0. To do this, program channel 2 in mode 3, but not download his counter -- while the output is guaranteed be 1, and at the inputs of the multiplexer D52 respectively 0 (the only reason and need an inverter D41.3). This method of increasing number Flowers applied, in particular, in a text editor "POWER WRITER". By the serial connector, you can connect IBM "Mouse". Transistor VT4 assembled voltage converter +-12V. Elements D42.1, D42.2 form signals reset for processor Music processor controller drive, serial and concurrent ports Registers regimes. Reset signal for display controller-RESET2 formed separately. It done for that that while pressing the RESET button is not disappeared Regeneration RAM and not perished Information on ramdisk. Video information with shear Registers D50, D51 comes on Multiplexers graphic regimes D52, D53. Signals MODE0, MODE1, define the graphics mode. Information logical color point PX0, PX1, PX2, PX3 enters the second address inputs of RAM reprogram colors D60, D61, which form "programmable palette. To the second data appears code physical color C0, C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 adhering to the appropriate logical. Signal NCOLOR4, determines which will record - in Register color curb or in RAM reprogram colors. Port In Music D18 processor can operate as the output and the input. This allows you to connect to the connector on the printer the most Various device : printer cartridge device predekrannogo input, DAC, ADC, programmer, etc. Node on the elements of D68, D69, D71.1, D73.1 provides digital PLL when reading data from disk and generates a signal WRC, recording to disk. Since the findings 33, 37 drive controller D70 can change its function depending on the state signal RW / S, the signals from / to them pass through the elements and D85.1 D75.2. The input controller D70 filed RDY signal from the output Triger D71.2, which also manages the state of the motor drive. This is done in order to be able to programmatically terminate the command controller. Otherwise, when you try write anything on the disk when the disk is not inserted, the program be returned through the timeout error, but the controller would remain in the same condition and subsequent treatment perceived as data entry. The fact is that domestic dikovody 5.25 inches the wrong signal to form the "Ready" which should not be in the closure drive, and another ways to stop the run command but to withdraw willingness to controller is not provided. Signal from the output INT controller fed to the discharge PB1 concurrent interface to simplify Operations head positioning drive. In AMSTRAD computer firm used 40-track sided drive and double-sided discs turning upside down diameter of 3.00 (!) inches. The capacity of one side of the disc with equal to 180K. For a more complete use applied by us 3.5-inch drives that are not overturned and will used in the mode AMSTRAD only a quarter, you can do switch sides, it will allow a 2-fold increase capacity disc. How to do this is described in another section of the documentation. Output data bus RAM D1 - D16 divided. It allows for one call to read in 2 bytes. This time read-write cycle, even when you are ALESTE allowed to use memory chips type 565RU7V. When AMSTRAD will work Any chip 565RU7. The fact that the RAM operates in normal mode, significantly increased the reliability of RAM and a computer in general. If the output data bus has eight-bit RAM, had would use page mode, which would be less reliable using 565RU7 (although in a branded computer, he applied, but there are memory chips and proprietary). Diagram of formation of interrupts. 18lin. 26 lines ------:-:---------: : : : +-------+ : | : | : HY ---+ : +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ : : +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SINT -----+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-------+ +-- -----+ +---------------+ +----------------+ +--------------+ +--------- | | | | | | | | LOP +---+ +--+ +--------------+ +----+ +---------+ +---------+ +-------------------+ +---------+ | | | | | | | | D66/5 -----+ +---------+ +---------+ +---------+ +---- -----+ 1+----------------+2+-----------------+ 3 +---------------+ 4 +---------- | | | | | | | | -INT +--+ +-+ +-------------+ +---+ : --------++-----------------++------------------------------++------------------++--------- : || : || : || : || -INTA : ++ : ++ : ++ : ++ : : : : : 52 lines : 52 lines : 52 + 26 lines : :-------------------:-------------------:-----------------------------: