Bricklayer You are in control of a small aircraft which flies across the top of the screen. From the bottom of the screen, a large wall is being built up which will eventually fill the whole of the playing area. The object of the game is to drop men out of the aircraft, aiming to plummet them through gaps in the wall to the bottom of the screen. If a man should hit any part of the wall then a life will be lost. In order to create gaps for the men to drop through and to prevent the wall advancing too far up the screen, you also have the option of dropping bombs which blow sections of the wall away. 10 REM BRICKLAYER 20 MODE 1:BORDER 1:INK 0,0:INK 1,24:INK 2,20:INK 3,6:WINDOW #1,1,40,1,25:PAPER # 1,0:CLS #1 30 HS=0 40 GOSUB 530 50 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN #0 ,1:CLS #0 60 GOSUB 610 70 GOSUB 310 BO CLS 90 LOCATE 14,1:PRINT"HI:";HS 100 X=X+F 110 IF X=0 OR X=29 THEN SOUND 1,120,5:F= —F 120 LOCATE 1,1:PEN 3:PRINT"SCORE:";:PEN 1:PRINT S:LOCATE 23,1:PEN 3:PRINT"LIVES: ";:PEN 1:PRINT LIVES;" 130 LOCATE 1,2:PRINT CHR$(24)STRING$(32, 32);:LOCATE X+1,2:PRINT" ";CHR$(232);" ;CHR$(24) 140 AS=INKEY$ 150 A$=UPPERS(A$) 160 IF AS="Z" THEN IF T<>1 THEN T=1:K=X+ 1:L=2 170 IF AS="M" AND X>3 AND X<27 THEN IF Z. <>1 THEN Z=1:0=X+1:I=2