262 Bricklayer 450 NEXT 460 LOCATE 4,11:PEN 3:PRINT"PRESS ANY KE Y TO CONTINUE":PEN 1 470 IF S>HS THEN HS=S 480 IF INKEY$<>"" THEN 480 490 A$=INKEY$: IF A$="" THEN 490 510 GOSUB 360:CLS:FOR PZ=1 TO 1000:NEXT: GOTO 90 520 STOP 530 PRINT CHR$(24)" BRICK LAYER ";CHR$(24) 540 PEN 2: PRINT:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"The o bject is to drop humanoids from thespace craft at the top of the screen.":PEN 1 550 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"As the game progre sses a wall will be built up,starting from the bottom.Holes can be made in thi s by releasing a bomb.":PEN 1 560 PRINT:PRINT"You have TEN lives a nd each time ahumanoid hits the wall h is life is lost." 570 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT"[Z] DROPS BOMBS [M] RELEASES HUMANOIDS":PEN 1 580 PEN 2:PRINT:PRINT:PRINT" PRE SS ANY KEY TO START":PEN 1 590 IF INKEY$=""THEN 590 ELSE CLS 600 RETURN 610 RESTORE 620:FOR X=360 TO 366:READ A: POKE X,A:NEXT :RESTORE:RETURN 620 DATA 205,96,187,50,111,1,201