118 Evolution 2 540 LOCATE BX+1,BY+1:PRINT CHR$(235); 550 RETURN 560 CLS 570 PRINT:PRINT"Bad luck! You are not fast enough to progress any further in evolution." 580 GOTO 1200 590 CLS:PRINT:PRINT"Well done! You manag ed to eat the bananas before you stary ed and therefore you can proceed tothe next stage." 600 GOTO 1200 610 WINDOW #0,5,36,1,25:PAPER #0,0:PEN # 0,1:CLS #0:PRINT:PEN 2:PRINT"The object here is to stop othercavemen from attack ing your cave.":PEN 1 620 PEN 3:PRINT:PRINT"Your cave is in th e middle of eight others and from any of these can come rivals who are pr epared to.kill you in order to steal y our property. ":PEN 1 630 PRINT:PRINT"You can spin round with the leftand right cursor keys and throw a spear with the spacebar. You have suc cessfully defended your cave when 30 att acks have been made. However, you are g iven 3 lives to make your task easier." 640 LOCATE 5,24:PRINT CHR$(24);"PRESS AN KEY TO START";CHR$(24); 650 IF INKEY$<>" THEN 650 660 IF INKEYS=" THEN 660 ELSE CLS 670 SYMBOL 239,8,28,8,8,8,8,8,8 680 SYMBOL 240,0,6,6,8,16,32,64,0 690 SYMBOL 241,0,0,2,255,2,0,0,0 700 SYMBOL 242,0,64,32,16,8,6,6,0 710 SYMBOL 243,8,8,8,8,8,8,28,8 720 SYMBOL 244,0,2,4,8,16,96,96,0 730 SYMBOL 245,0,0,64,255,64,0,0,0 740 SYMBOL 246,0,96,96,16,8,4,2,0 750 SYMBOL 247,28,28,8,62,8,28,20,20 760 0=1 770 RESTORE 780:PEN 3:FOR Z=1 TO 40:READ Y,X:LOCATE X,Y:PRINT CHR$(238);:NEXT Z: PEN 1