HxC firmware for Gotek updated : CPC DSK files support and many more.

Started by Jeff_HxC2001, 07:40, 10 October 17

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Sunday i have released a new HxC Gotek firmware version with the direct support of CPC DSK files.

Lots of others changes and improvements have be done since the v3.0.8.2a :
User interface improvement, Bigger LCD and OLED screen support, direct piezo support, speed improvement,
New HFE V3 support for copy protected images, etc,etc.

I recommend you to have a look to the release notes for the details :


The firmwares updates  (Latest version in the Next_WIP_Alpha_Firmware_And_Tools folder)

"User manual"  (Update procedure and extra stuff connection schematics)

Have Fun !

NOTE : The latest file selector seems to filter the DSK from the file list. A fixed version should come this week from NoRecess.
As workaround you can use an older version of the file selector, or if you have an LCD on your device use the normal mode to directly select the DSK files.


Oh great for gotek users, but i  have the sd floppy emulator  with the .hfe files  :(

Anyway a like is made :)



Quote from: Jeff_HxC2001 on 21:43, 10 October 17Waiting for feedbacks !  :)

Jeff, I love you and your devices, but why is the Gotek getting all the new shiny features, while the original SD is stuck with a  beta firmware from 2014? Worse, the latest stable is from 2013.


Quote from: khaz on 21:50, 10 October 17
Jeff, I love you and your devices, but why is the Gotek getting all the new shiny features, while the original SD is stuck with a  beta firmware from 2014? Worse, the latest stable is from 2013.

Answers :

- 1 The uC power and flash space. The Actual SD HxC firmware take most of the flash space which make update hard to do. This hardware should have been refreshed some years ago.. Machine specific firmwares are maybe a workaround solution...

- 2 The SD HxC firmware MUST be stable since this device is used in very sensitive places. I can't "play" with it anymore...

- 3 The customs/authorities are unable to stop these illegal/non conform/social dumping/unfair competition products coming from china. This make any attempts to make a custom hardware in Europe uncompetitive... (Why illegal/non conform ? : No EMC tests passed, some serious electrical security issues, no ESD protections, case in plastic making an hole in the original machine shield, etc ,etc...). I am the first one regretting this fact...

Anyway please back to the subject... I would have some feedbacks on this firmware :

Quote from: Jeff_HxC2001 on 21:43, 10 October 17
Firmware update and Fix !

-> DSK Write support added !
-> Fix the issue with the File selector v2.5 !



Waiting for feedbacks !  :)


Thanks for the update Jeff, exciting news indeed!

Will try this soon and report back!
An expanding array of hardware available at www.cpcstore.co.uk (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)


Its me or the hxrecess software 3.5 have a problem?.

I mean, it reset completely the cpc instead of return to the firmware. Thats mean that if i load it in the hxc from |B and then i save the slots, it reset and i need type |B  one more time.. When normally he should return to basic 1.1 and i can made a cat directly.


Quote from: dragon on 14:51, 20 October 17
Its me or the hxrecess software 3.5 have a problem?.

I mean, it reset completely the cpc instead of return to the firmware. Thats mean that if i load it in the hxc from |B and then i save the slots, it reset and i need type |B  one more time.. When normally he should return to basic 1.1 and i can made a cat directly.

I've been using the latest with my 6128 basic 1.1, parados v1.2+ rom, haven't had that issue.


Quote from: tjohnson on 16:55, 20 October 17
I've been using the latest with my 6128 basic 1.1, parados v1.2+ rom, haven't had that issue.

Impossible, he is doing a  bucle inside the menu until you quit, then he calll &0000 reseting the cpc that is preconfigured with A drive from base.


maybe you have the 3.0?


Quote from: dragon on 17:40, 20 October 17
Impossible, he is doing a  bucle inside the menu until you quit, then he calll &0000 reseting the cpc that is preconfigured with A drive from base.


maybe you have the 3.0?

Yes this was changed in the last version. the return to the basic wasn't stable enough. tell us if the reset at exit is a problem.


Quote from: dragon on 17:40, 20 October 17
Impossible, he is doing a  bucle inside the menu until you quit, then he calll &0000 reseting the cpc that is preconfigured with A drive from base.


maybe you have the 3.0?
Sorry my misunderstanding, mine does the same which i pointed out earlier but tbh it is not a big deal, the use of Dsk more than makes up for it and the momentary unconvince of typing lb

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