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Started by arnoldemu, 15:13, 20 November 12

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known in the uk as switchblade 2.

I see it's on cpcrulez and cpc-power.

was this being developed by Elmar, or is this a hack made with prehistorik 2 or similar's engine?

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...whaaa? Have never even heard of this back in the day..!

Is there a downloadable dsk on cpc-power or just the screenshots? I'm mobile so can't check this at the moment. The graphics seem pretty much old-CPC, judging on the colors used...



all of them!

I think/remember it is a hack from (super)Cauldron3 which is also then an updated prehistorik2 engine (but without the many PLUS stuff)... wich Switchblade 2 graphics poured inside.

Who hacked this ? Hermol is that you?

(c'est toi hermol qui à fait ce hack ?)

The switchblade sprites may be somewhat too big perhaps.
While Prehistorik 2 is quite sluggish due to too much stuffs (animated backgrounds, extra PLUS features and so on) I guess supercauldron is a bit faster/betterly implemented/optimised.

The question would be : what gameplay for what game ?
Could it simply be a switchblade2 version using this engine ?

Hermol recently did a "news" with this at CPCrulez :

Quote- Dans la série des vaporwares, ou "ca sortira jamais"
voici le Striderblade

: je vous mets une preview , une petite ébauche de 2 niveaux (Face A/B).
Le moteur de ce jeu est basé sur les routines du Préhistorik 2 d'Elmar (ELMsoft) Krieger, le tout avec des gfx de Musicman.
Sorry I don't have time for the translation.

oops, perhaps Prehistorik2 after all, and for plus too, but obviously the graphics are CPC old ports from the ST version.


Pffff... False alarm, then :P



Well, if someone want to take the job...

not you obviously... ;D


Oh wow, this was only uploaded today!

Very beta, but looking good...


Well I don't mind that it is a hack.
it's nicely done.
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Quote from: rexbeng on 16:02, 20 November 12
... The graphics seem pretty much old-CPC, judging on the colors used...
On CPC the colors are still the same, they changed on emulators though  :laugh:  Sorry, couldn't resist ;)
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