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Fugitif by Lankhor

Started by Gryzor, 08:49, 19 August 15

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Anyone played this to any length? Seems so interesting and technically advanced...


Yes, I tried, but its interface is so incredibly counter-intuitive that it is simply not fun to play. The interesting part is of course the graphics, but that's all, according to me.

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Yeah, watching the video I got the same idea myself. I wonder if the story's any good!


Oh WoW! This looks awesome!!! Very beautiful. Looks like a game everybody should know... but I never saw it.... Oh wait it's French. Would be really great to have an English version.  ;)
TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Haven't found an english version unfortunately, and yes it does look great!


Well, somebody should have the source.... I'm not doing well from French do English. But I can volunteer for a German translation (from English).

Anybody in contact with the author?

TFM of FutureSoft
Also visit the CPC and Plus users favorite OS: FutureOS - The Revolution on CPC6128 and 6128Plus


Doesn't seem to have tons of text so it shouldn't be hard. I'd do it, as I've said before, but I don't have many hopes...


quite a fact that interfaces have greatly evolved througout the years... many many MsDos era games could also feel that way, at the time we actually were more used to non standard interfaces.

Still this game is a graphic and a somewhat technical achievement by itself on our beloved CPC...

and... vive la France.


Quote from: Gryzor on 08:49, 19 August 15
Anyone played this to any length? Seems so interesting and technically advanced...
I know this game quite well, because I was the first person who managed to get it to work properly on the CPC emulators of the day! :D Even now I think most CPC emulators can't handle the disc loading routines on the original, uncracked version.

The graphics absolutely blew my mind when I first saw them - so many colours in MODE 1! 8) However, I agree with Targhan that the game itself is awkward to play and the user interface is fiddly to use.

A couple of interesting facts about the game (taken from this interview in French):

  • The artist, Jean-Paul Renault, drew the pictures on an Amiga and transferred them to the CPC from the Amiga's printer port to the CPC's joystick port.
  • Jean-Paul and the programmer, Frédéric Mantegazza, never met face to face! Frédéric saw Jean-Paul's works in Amstrad 100% magazine and asked the magazine staff, who then told him how to get in contact with Jean-Paul.
  • Frédéric was working on a point-and-click adventure with Jean-Paul, again with MODE 1 'extended palette' graphics like Fugitif, but he quickly abandoned it when he realised the CPC games market was rapidly declining.


Interesting game and interesting story!

I'll give a try when I have a little time.

Graphics are indeed gorgeous! France has produced many beautiful mode 1 games, but this one is over the top.

Merci France pour ces grands jeux!


Looks like this company brought out some fantastic games in the graphic adventure genre, unfortunately for us Brits with limited French vocab will never be able to appreciate Games like Mortville Manor , which really intrigues me because they sound like they pushed the limits on the machine?!


I dont think an english version exists. French adventures are what their genre is titled; french!


yeah, we are also still awaiting a playable version of "l'Abbaye du Crime"...


Yeah Lankhor really was a specialist in Adventure graphic+text  games.
Was quite some french spécialitée.

UbiSoft, Infograme, Coktel Vision, Ere informatique, Loriciel...

Those games were popular because many "literary dudes" and bookworms could actually make their own with quite few coding skills in basic (text adventure games).

Else, CPC was naturally talented on the matter : cool graphic modes, fast disk drive and no need for scrolligns and sprites.

but as I always say, the CPC6128 missed its real vocation at Dungeon bashers and RPGs games in the same vein.

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