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CPC vs the world

Started by cpc4eva, 20:53, 30 September 16

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the cpc, whats not to love Puresox ?

cpc4eva  :P


Aye tis true ,you can't help but Love the Machine ,Just as the Hunchback's Mum Can't help but Love him .


Wow, just wow. Comparing the CPC to Hunchback. That's really low Puresox and you call yourself a CPC gamer?????? I'd expect that sort of vile from all those Speccy/C64 fanboys....  :-*

just remember Hunchback's mum was sexy  :P


I'm Sorry , But that is how The CPC is seen in the community in reality . I love it still and think it has great stuff to it despite some of it's flaws. But it is what it is , The Speccy and C64 fanboys C64 especially just will never let it be seen any other way .


Quote from: Puresox on 22:57, 30 September 16
I'm Sorry , But that is how The CPC is seen in the community in reality . I love it still and think it has great stuff to it despite some of it's flaws. But it is what it is , The Speccy and C64 fanboys C64 especially just will never let it be seen any other way .

And here we go again  :picard:

Let's talk about the tremendous flaws of the spectrum then... better not, i don't have a spare day for it

Do not take seriously the Speccy scene on this subject, that people have a esteem problem about his (bad) computer and being the worst computer of that era (quality and power).

Sorry if anyone gets hurt with what i will say now:

Here in my town, at those days (198x-199x) most of the people had an Amstrad and they had the impression that the spectrum was for poor people that can't afford an Amstrad CPC (or a 16 bit computer), and we felt sorry for the guys who has a spectrum. The C64, well this was a non existent computer here in spain (and for what if we had the Amstrad).

We never took seriously any guy that had a spectrum at those days, we only felt sorry for him and joke about his computer on computer magazines. THIS was widespread in my town, the spectrum guys where discriminated with his toy, we really didn't take them seriously at our eyes they dind't had a computer but a bad toy, this was a fact in our eyes that days. Now in the internet era, i see that this thing happened on another towns here in my country.

Nowadays the people that isn't anymore on that machines, on a lot of pages and forums that I read (not related to old computers), if the subject appears on a thread, the people starts to talk about the bad the spectrum was on graphics and his ugly colors, there is a LOT of subjects asking whay this computer (the spectrum) had so bad colors and all the games looked so terrible for this (just google it). If you talk about an amstrad, the people starts to say how superior was respect the spectrum and we start feeling sorry for them again   :laugh:

THIS is how the people not involved on the scene sees the spectrum, so DON'T TRUST THE PEOPLE WHO HAD A SPECTRUM, they hate us  :laugh: , what they say about an amstrad is pure envy! the ugly colors, the ugly color clash... we all have eyes.... we (the rest of the humanity) really know what the people really thinks about the spectrum, DON'T trust a speccy guy about this subject NEVER.

I will not bother to talk about the C64, here in my country was and is a non existent computer...


Is there any need for this BS? I've checked and is still 2016.

Why you don't celebrate the good things instead of focusing on the bad stuff? Grow up; or at least shut up and stop embarrassing us all.

Seriously guys, if I'm putting all me free time in making CPC games is definitely NOT because some people in the community.
Released The Return of Traxtor, Golden Tail, Magica, The Dawn of Kernel, Kitsune`s Curse, Brick Rick, Hyperdrive and The Heart of Salamanderland for the CPC.

If you like my games and want to show some appreciation, you can always buy me a coffee.


Quote from: reidrac on 09:07, 01 October 16
Is there any need for this BS? I've checked and is still 2016.

Why you don't celebrate the good things instead of focusing on the bad stuff? Grow up; or at least shut up and stop embarrassing us all.

Seriously guys, if I'm putting all me free time in making CPC games is definitely NOT because some people in the community.

Sorry, i'm answering an offensive post for me, is not about grow up, is really offensive for me, i just can't stand that, is not about him (or other people), or this subject, is about an offense, at least I feel it that way.

I was apologizing at the same time I wrote the answer, but is beyond me this subject, sorry.

And what i say in the post, is what ALL the "computer guys" thought (and think) in my (little) town

P.S. A recent Demo was talking bad about the C64 nowadays, they need to grow up too?   ;)

P.S.2 i know that i'm  extremist in this subject (and people knows that), but i'm a nice guy, trust me!  :P


We should post and embrace all computers within these forums. Without the Speccy, BBC or C64, there probably wouldn't be a CPC.


Quote from: ukmarkh on 10:15, 01 October 16
We should post and embrace all computers within these forums. Without the Speccy, BBC or C64, there probably wouldn't be a CPC.

I embrace all the computers, i'm retrocomputers entusiast, but again, i'm not who said "I'm Sorry , But that is how The CPC is seen in the community in reality", is this kind of statements that upset me...

You can't tell this things on a CPC forum and believe that anybody wouldn't upset with that

I'm not going to Spectrum forums telling "look, the community see the spectrum like a joke-toy because is terrible" i don't do this because i know that some people will get upset!

Is not a matter of grow up, if you go a forum full of entusiast of let me say Ferrari Cars, you can't go and say "hey, Ferrari cars are shit, Porche is a lot better" you will upset people no matter the age they have!

And Trust me, if the speccy didn't exist, another computer would exist, is law of life...


It happens all the time in other forums, C64 and Speccy owners are known for the distaste of each others machines. It's probably all in your head, they're probably winding you up! It's just a computer from the 80's, a good one at that, but it's just a computer.


Well, we all love our Amstrad, for sure  :D In my particular case I actually love all the retrocomputers but the Amstrad has a special place in my heart. In any case, let´s keep the flame wars away and just discuss about the software, as the title of the post says. Nobody is going to change his or her opinion about a particular system in 2016  :) .


Amstrad needs it's own Gran Turismo, Outrun remake (put things right), Green Beret remake, Salamander and continued steady flow of games, that's what we need to focus on  ;)


Quote from: Joseman on 08:55, 01 October 16
And here we go again  :picard:

Let's talk about the tremendous flaws of the spectrum then... better not, i don't have a spare day for it

Do not take seriously the Speccy scene on this subject, that people have a esteem problem about his (bad) computer and being the worst computer of that era (quality and power).

Sorry if anyone gets hurt with what i will say now:

Here in my town, at those days (198x-199x) most of the people had an Amstrad and they had the impression that the spectrum was for poor people that can't afford an Amstrad CPC (or a 16 bit computer), and we felt sorry for the guys who has a spectrum. The C64, well this was a non existent computer here in spain (and for what if we had the Amstrad).

We never took seriously any guy that had a spectrum at those days, we only felt sorry for him and joke about his computer on computer magazines. THIS was widespread in my town, the spectrum guys where discriminated with his toy, we really didn't take them seriously at our eyes they dind't had a computer but a bad toy, this was a fact in our eyes that days. Now in the internet era, i see that this thing happened on another towns here in my country.

Nowadays the people that isn't anymore on that machines, on a lot of pages and forums that I read (not related to old computers), if the subject appears on a thread, the people starts to talk about the bad the spectrum was on graphics and his ugly colors, there is a LOT of subjects asking whay this computer (the spectrum) had so bad colors and all the games looked so terrible for this (just google it). If you talk about an amstrad, the people starts to say how superior was respect the spectrum and we start feeling sorry for them again   :laugh:

THIS is how the people not involved on the scene sees the spectrum, so DON'T TRUST THE PEOPLE WHO HAD A SPECTRUM, they hate us  :laugh: , what they say about an amstrad is pure envy! the ugly colors, the ugly color clash... we all have eyes.... we (the rest of the humanity) really know what the people really thinks about the spectrum, DON'T trust a speccy guy about this subject NEVER.

I will not bother to talk about the C64, here in my country was and is a non existent computer...
Thats good to hear Joseman, I think in France and Spain , the CPC was held in higher Esteem , which it should really have been here .
And I am sorry if people get upset about the reality of how the CPC is portrayed in the UK , I don't like it as much as anyone , but thats the reputation that we're sadly stuck with , no matter how hard you try to show how good the machine is/was . You have people that enjoy the childish ,schoolyard name calling. It's human nature , just with Impressions of people. You will always be tarred by how people remember you . And even if you are totally different. People just remember you how they want to, and how you were when you made an impression. It's infuriating , but what can you do. At the end of the day it is what it is.
I love the CPC and I am always bleating on about it and how good certain games are , and I'm forever arguing it's corner lol,pathetic and irrelevent to life as it is.  But you have to be realistic about how it's image is . If you arn't then you're deluding yourself . The fact that C64 nd Speccy have Numbers on there side doesn't help with changing opinion.
We all know how the Speccy has it's flaws and the C64 too and I like them still , I like all the machines apart from the Electron.
I love the machine despite how people mock us stupidly and I'm big enough to not get too upset about other peoples fanboyism ,they are just followers on the whole and are too scared to have there own opinion on the whole.
If our machine had been bought out at a time where the games were  not pushing the machines as much , I am quite certain we would have a massive library of games that played fantastic, Our machine came out later and we had the dissadvantage of programmers learning the machine , and games demanding more of the machine more and more .


I'm sorry to burst your bubble . But I'm not gonna suppress myself because you can't deal with reality. I'm forever painting the machine in a good light. I don't go out my way to say the machine is crap, anything I say is  Just realistic. I don't like people looking down on my beloved machine either , I know it is annoying and offends and is invalid in many respects. But you can't just pretend an opinion does not exist . The best thing to deal with these opinions is to take a hold of it, or own it (in a manner of speaking)and dissarm the C64,Speccy Fanboys.
I try to be positive for the machine as much as possible and am always on about good games on the machine . I don't think I am negative about the machine in a nasty way . I knock the occaisonal game that needs to be mocked . At worst I just comment on the image and what we come up against.


This is not the conversation we're looking for... (Waves hand Jedi style) :D


Smile and wave boys, smile and wave...


Will do my best to not adversely upset the apple-cart. And I respect Joseman's love of the machine and I love the machine too, we all are staunch fans of the machine and Know why it is a worthy machine and deserves more credit than it does.


By today's standards they're all quirky and underpowered. That's why we love them :)
An expanding array of hardware available at (and issue 4 of CPC Fanzine!)

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